Our strategy and ambitions


Because our footprint counts as our customers footprint, we work systematically to reduce our environmental impacts throughout our value chain. Action towards a more sustainable world is included as a natural part of our guidelines, work procedures and decision-making processes. Always working towards for more sustainable lighting solutions, we at Glamox use our competence and experience to find the most sustainable lighting solution for each project.

The Glamox sustainability strategy is based upon a thorough materiality assessment, created in dialogue with key stakeholders. To make sure we deliver on our promise we have set ambitious long-term goals for our sustainability work.

Download our sustainability report


  • Becoming a net-zero company by 2030
  • Enable our customers save CO2 emissions from their Scope 1 and Scope 2 activities through our products and solutions
  • Increase the share of fully circular products in our portfolio
  • Drive improvement of respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions by taking a systematic approach in our entire value chain
  • Provide a safe and inspiring working environment for our employees

We work along two main tracks to create viable results for the climate and our environment, and people and society:

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Bright solutions with a lighter footprint

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Light up people and society

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