Children have the ability to change their eyes’ focus over a large range, so they can get extremely close to an object and still keep it in focus. However, adults lose that ability because of the hardening of the eyes’ lenses with age. Consequently, many adults require strong glasses or magnifiers to focus on closely viewed objects.
Choosing the right product
Sometimes the right product is the simplest one possible, as long as its features and emitted light provide the right effect. Luxo has the wide portfolio to meet all needs.
Product guide
Here is a selection of the most popular magnifiers for people with low vision. For a complete overview of full our range of illuminated magnifiers, please follow the link at the end of the page.
Magnifiers for the visually impaired
Magnification provides compensation for low vision. “Low vision” is a medical term that is defined as chronic disabling visual impairments that cannot be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, or medical or surgical treatment. Eighty percent of people with low vision are over the age of sixty-five, and most of them developed low vision late in life.