User-friendly and energy-efficient







Energy savings


Brødrene Midthaug AS has elevated its lighting experience with the recent implementation of an advanced lighting control system. They took charge of programming the lamps independently. "Fine-tuning the lights using Glamox's user-friendly and intuitive program is remarkably simple”, says Espen Midthaug, the technical manager at Brødrene Midthaug's factory.

As Norway's largest producer of stairs, railings, and balconies, The Midthaug Brothers have been a loyal customer of Glamox since their establishment in 1947. In 2023, they embraced a comprehensive lighting upgrade at their factory and headquarters in Kleive, just outside Molde. The upgrade involved replacing all existing fixtures with modern LED luminaires featuring Glamox Wireless Radio technology.

Controlled via radio signals

The new luminaires are equipped with sensors easily programmed and controlled via radio signals. The Midthaug team took charge of the programming process, facilitated by  instructional videos available on Glamox's website.

“It was my daughter, Synne Midthaug, who programmed the lights for us and made subsequent adjustments. Synne has no technical background, but she managed this on her own. Not having to rely on an electrician to adjust the lights is crucial for us”, says Espen Midthaug.


Formidable energy savings

The implemented lighting control system ensures efficient energy utilization by activating the lights only when necessary. Motion sensors trigger the lights to illuminate, and gradually dim them when the area is unoccupied after a brief period.

“After a few minutes without movement, the lights gradually dim to 10% brightness before fading out entirely. This innovative system has resulted in a remarkable 70% reduction in energy consumption, achieving a return on investment in less than four years. Furthermore, the inconvenience of manually switching lights on and off is now a thing of the past, as the entire process unfolds seamlessly and automatically.”

Improved lighting

In their strategic upgrade, Midthaug decreased the quantity of luminaires while successfully enhancing the illumination within the factory.

“Overall, we've halved the number of luminaires in the factory, yet the lighting is better than ever”, says Midthaug.

This LED lighting investment aso aligns Midthaug with the EU's RoHS requirements, which prohibit the purchase of fluorescent tubes starting August 25, 2023.

If you're interested in delving deeper into the details of our cutting-edge LED lights, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.