Kleivehallen with improved and energy-efficient lighting for every occasion






Sports hall

Energy savings


When Kleivehallen upgraded its lighting, they halved the number of luminaires, achieved better illumination in the sports hall, and obtained an energy saving of 75 percent.

Kleivehallen, situated in Kleive just outside Molde, is a 1100-square-meter sports hall that hosts various activities and events for the local community. The hall's lighting has now been upgraded with luminaires specially tailored for sports halls.

Short payback period

The upgrade involved a strategic reduction in the number of luminaires, downsizing from 108 to 56. Yet, this resulted in an even better-lit hall.The introduction of these upgraded and efficient luminaires led to an impressive 75% reduction in energy consumption, yielding a compelling payback period of less than 5 years.

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Additionally, Kleivenhallen’s light luminaires are equipped with a Wireless Radio system that allows seamless adjustment of lighting for various activities within the hall. Wireless Radio is a wireless radio-based control system in which each luminaire is fitted with a sensor that can easily be programmed using a tablet.

Kleivenhallen now boasts pre-programmed light scenes that automatically adjust for different events. Whether it is a volleyball match with a well-lit court and a dimmed surrounding ambience, a national day-celebration with excellent illumination throughout the room, or a concert calling for more atmospheric lighting. The Wireless Radio system ensures swift and effortless transitions between these dynamic lighting scenarios, enhancing the versatility of the space.


Get in touch if you have any inquiries about upgrading to LED lighting.