The UK Modern Slavery Act requires that Glamox publishes a ‘slavery and human trafficking statement’, which should disclose the steps our business has taken during the financial year to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in our own operations and in our supply chain. The annual statement for 2021 will be our 3rd annual statement.
The UK government recommends that the statement covers the following six areas:
Business structure – a summary of your operations, supply chains and geographical location(s)
Policies – any policies you have in place which are relevant to slavery and human trafficking e.g. responsible supply chain policy or human resources policy
Due diligence – any due diligence processes you conduct in your business and supply chain to ensure slavery is not taking place e.g. research on suppliers and business partners, supplier audits
Risk assessment – a summary of the parts of your business and supply chains where there is most risk of slavery and human trafficking taking place, and the steps you have taken to assess and manage this risk
Performance indicators – how you track the effectiveness of your modern slavery approach e.g. Key Performance Indicators
Training – any training conducted on slavery and human trafficking issues e.g. with relevant employees, with supplier employees
Download our full Modern Slavery Statement:
Glamox Group Modern Slavery Statement 2021