Glamox Wireless Radio


1: External IP65 PIR or Light sensor with transceiver 2: Emergency light with transceiver 3: Luminaire with integrated PIR and Light sensor and transceiver 4: External PIR or light sensor 5: Bridge between Wireless Radio and DALI with sensor input 6: Commissioning tablet with pre-installed software 7: Dongle that translates between bluetooth and Glamox Wireless Radio 8: Scene controller with transceiver for connection of up to 6 switches 9: Access point to transfer data for central monitoring

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A wireless solution designed for central monitoring.

Glamox Wireless Radio is our own wireless system based on 868 MHz frequency. The advantages of using this frequency is the long communication range and the fact that it is more resistant to metal environments. This technology is very well adapted to the challenges that arise from wireless communication in modern buildings.

All luminaires have a wireless transceiver that is connected to a sensor. Each unit thus gets its own address and can be linked up in dynamic groups in the rooms. Grouping, adjustment of sensor parameters and parameters of switches, emergency lights or daylight sensors are all done from a tablet so that you can be in the room when the functionality is set and tested.

Wireless communication makes your installation easier. Only 230V connection and no additional communication cables are needed. This makes Glamox Wireless Radio ideal for renovation where existing cabling can be retained. New buildings also benefit from wireless communication as moving units can be done later in a simple way without extra cabling.

Since all commissioning can be done using a tablet, a quick identification of the various wireless devices is ensured. A modern and intuitive software makes it all easy without the personnel needing a high level of programming expertise. Most of the programming can actually be done before you enter the site if there are good floor plans of the installation.

Wireless Radio is designed for central monitoring and control of the entire building. Here you can monitor Emergency lights and other luminaires for easier maintenance, as well as energy consumption and presence data for optimal Space usage analytics of the areas.

By using the access point, it is also possible to link the installation to a cloud-based solution. This makes it possible to monitor the installation from another geographical location. The access point can also be used to extract data for use in your BMS system. Here all possibilities are open.

Easy commissioning
By using a tablet (Samsung Tablet A) as commissioning tool you can always be present in the actual room while doing the commissioning. A gateway, the Bluetooth Commissioning Interface, is used to translate from Bluetooth to the 868MHz used in the Glamox Wireless system.


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